Nandu Chavan
+91 - 9892042704

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Victorinox Explorer Swiss Knife

Brand : Victorinox

• Functions: 16
• Length X Height (mm): 91x22mm
• Weight: 101 g
• Tools: 1-Large Blade | 2-Small Blade | 3-Can Opener | 4-Screwdriver 3 mm | 5-Bottle Opener | 6-Screwdriver 6 mm | 7-Wire Stripper | 8-Reamer, Punch & Sewing Awl | 9-Corkscrew | 10-Scissors | 11-Magnifying glass | 12-Phillips screwdriver 1 – 2 | 13-Multipurpose Hook | 14-Toothpick | 15-Tweezers |16- Key Ring.


This multi-utility Swiss knife from the house of Victorinox is an all-in-one knife and tool-set that easily slips into your pocket. Made of durable stainless steel, this compact tool kit comes in handy in your day-to-day life - whether you're at home, going camping, fishing or hiking.
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